Do Fireworks pose Any Danger to Aeroplanes?

Everyone loves the mesmerising display of trailing stars that drizzle it’s sparks like rain droplets from the sky. This Disney like a scene is set to realization, when the dahlia, crosses, or peony fireworks are set to ablaze the dark skies on occasions of weddings and on birthdays. But these grand exhibitions of shooting canisters into the air and getting a star-fall like an effect are the pomp of particularly three great events; independence days, Christmas Eve, and New Year celebrations.  

The Number of Firework Shows Cancelled

In the last two years, some of these shows were cancelled on account of the Pandemic. Fireworks Display Manchester was one such show which had the misfortune of being annulled. It is a popular event occurring annually and consisting of bonfire night celebrations. 

Moreover, cities in Germany, France, Australia, Ireland and many other countries banned the purchasing of fireworks. These displays were cancelled for two reasons. Firstly, the world lost a lot of people in the fight against the COVID-19. 

Secondly, fireworks attract crowds. To avoid such large congregations, the stakeholders took such stands. The celebrations of New Year were dampened, but we have one yet to come. With the world becoming relieved from the novel virus, it looks like we will have a good celebration for this year's New Year. 

Does that return your previous anxiety of fireworks causing damage to aeroplanes or the environment? Well, here is your answer.

The Fireworks and the Hazards for the Airspace 

Well, you can relax about this bit. The firecrackers or their shells hardly ever reach the altitude at which the planes usually fly. This means that during the air voyage of the plane, there is hardly any risk of it encountering a canister or a shell which could cause an accident. 

Accident planes do come at lower attitudes before landing, and this may be troublesome. There is no reported case of a plane being damaged or a flight disturbed due to the fireworks; nevertheless, the pilots have complained about the fireworks turning them blind for a second or so distracting their night vision. 

The Management and Supervision of Grand Firework Displays

Before any kind of firework show, the Civil Aviation Authority is informed. The CAA, UK asks the organizers of such events to issue a notice to them so that they can schedule the flights' landing times. 

Usually, the boundaries to take into consideration are within 3nm-10 nm of the aerodrome and at 500m of either side of the centre line of the runway. Thus, regulation of such firework fairs is a necessity to prevent serious damages. 

Fireworks and Environmental Effects 

The traditional fireworks have long impacted the environment by diffusing it’s harmful chemicals into the air. The charcoal and sulphur in them made them pollutants. Not only this, that air is polluted, but the oxidisers in them dissolve in water bodies and contaminate them as well. 

Eco-Friendly Fireworks:

If you are an environmental enthusiast as well as a fan of festive fireworks, there is a piece of good news for you. 

Researchers have worked on eco-friendly fireworks, and the markets are now stacked up with them. There are alternatives to traditional fireworks. The tech-inspired world has introduced laser lights too. These have gained the attraction of many people and are particularly famous with Koreans. 


Though traditional fireworks do not cause damage to planes, they cause fatal damage to the environment. Knowing that fireworks are an important aspect of some cultures like Germans and Indians, it will take time to completely wipe out these fireworks. The good thing is that technology has advanced enough to introduce drone shows. These shows are attractive and groping as well as quiet. But who needs to enter the New Year with the explosions in the sky? All everyone needs is to enter into a new phase by ending the previous one on a good note which says avoid the traditional firework displays. 


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